The science behind a Dutch Oven on the coals - Image from Modernist Cuisine Dr. Nathan Myhrvold
Ever wondered how the magical Camp Oven does its thing? Well Dr. Nathan Myhrvold has worked it out. Aside from establishing Microsoft Research, Dr Myhrvold is no slouch in the kitchen, he was also Chief Gastronomic Officer for Zagat Survey. Click on the image to zoom in to check out the details, which was created using an abrasive water-jet cutter, an electrical discharge machining system, and other machine-shop tools so you can look inside the camp oven as it cooks. Check out more here
About Andrew Dwyer
I am a cook, author of three published cookbooks, historian and expedition leader. I live in Jamieson, a town with a population of 200 in a valley where two rivers meet in the Australian High Country. I am married to Jane and we have three grown ups that were once children. They all return home regularly for short visits. Life is good.
NB: This site uses Australian English, so if you are American you may struggle with the spelling.